How to Repair Plastic Wicker Outdoor Furniture?

How to Repair Plastic Wicker Outdoor Furniture?

Plastic wicker furniture is one of the trendiest types of outdoor furniture because of its outdoorsy design, a vibe that no other material can achieve, and properties that make it the best fit for outdoor conditions. But as much as wicker is ideal for an outdoor setting, it is also highly prone to damage and losing its structure with a slight fault. Any broken weave or unraveled edge can cause the whole wicker structure to become damaged soon. Hence, putting extra attention and care into plastic wicker outdoor furniture is important, but that doesn’t mean wicker isn’t suitable for long-term extended use.

In fact, with the DIY care and maintenance for the patio wicker set, you will get a fun outdoor project while keeping your furniture durable longer than other material choices. In this article, you will find a brief guide on how to repair plastic wicker outdoor furniture all by yourself at home.

How to Repair Plastic Wicker Outdoor Furniture?

Repairing a wicker outdoor sofa can make it fresh and new without spending much money on your outdoor project. Despite its high initial cost, this wicker feature makes it the most popular choice for outdoor furniture. If you are also wondering how to fix plastic wicker outdoor furniture, below are some steps you must follow.

The Required Tools

To fix a wicker outdoor dining chair or any other piece of wicker furniture, you need to start by gathering the right tools. Using the right tools will make wicker furniture, while an ordinary job can cause your wicker piece to become damaged sooner rather than later. For a structure as delicate and gentle as wicker, you will need a tiny pair of high-precision scissors as they will cut the wicker strips with fine details. The second tool you will need is an acrylic resin glue, preferably best fit for the wicker furniture and can hold the weave tightly despite the changing outdoor weather conditions.

Also, you will need a new plastic replacement wicker to replace the broken part of the wicker. Make sure your new plastic replacement wicker matches the initial furniture’s color, or you can also paint it to look the same as painting plastic wicker outdoor furniture is relatively easy.

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Proper Work Area

You must locate a shop where your plastic wicker furniture may be repaired. It would help if you carried it out outside because working with epoxy and paint will be required. And in a regular indoor space, the chances of creating a big mess increase by several folds. Also, your walls and flooring could become stained if you work indoors. While you work, look for a place with good ventilation and keep your children and pets away.

Assess the Damage

Before working with your scissors, you must carefully assess and analyze the damage and only cut the required parts. Prevent over-trimming or cutting the weaves, as it might cause your wicker piece to unravel and completely lose its structure and shape. Also, it will be harder to put back an opened wicker weave.

How to Repair Plastic Wicker Outdoor Furniture?

Carefully Cut the Damaged Part

A cut or damaged part of the wicker outdoor chair is where the whole structure starts to unravel; hence, you need to be careful about this step. Cut the broken end of the resin strip using only a pair of sharp and thin scissors. Start by carefully pulling the strip away from the weave while not unraveling any extra part of the weave and loosening the entire structure.

Cut the weave up until the point where the damage is visible. This will require you to work and look carefully under proper light so you don’t make a mistake or cut strips more than needed. If multiple strips are damaged, cut the strips one by one so you don’t mess up or forget the pattern. This will also prevent your wicker structure from unraveling.

Replace the Old Strip

Replace the old strip with the new wicker. Start by cutting a new strip around the same length as the old strip, but make sure it is slightly longer, as you will need to tuck it in to seal the structure with no loose edge. To seal the new strip into the old weave, you will need a resin epoxy and a small precise paintbrush with a pointed edge. Start at the furniture’s back and install the new resin strip. Place the new strip in the empty spot by replicating the first design. Now, finish by sealing the new strip into the old structure seamlessly.

Paint a Final Coat

To ensure your entire (newly repaired) wicker outdoor chaise lounge looks the same, paint a final coat to even up the whole structure. You can also just paint the new section so it matches the rest of the structure, but we advise you to paint the entire furniture so it all looks evened out.

Paint a Final Coat

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Paint Plastic Wicker Outdoor Furniture?

Wicker furniture is simple to transform, just with a proper paint job. You can even spray paint your wicker furniture to a new shade or simply opt for a plastic wicker paint designed for this job.

How to Clean Plastic Wicker Outdoor Furniture?

To clean wicker furniture, follow a simple process of mild soap and damp cloth wipe off with an occasional deep cleaning. As wicker furniture doesn’t require extensive use of chemicals or finish, the furniture is easier to maintain and clean with a regular swipe and dab.

How to Protect Outdoor Plastic Wicker Furniture?

You can find special plastic furnishings and coatings designed to work with materials like wicker. These liquid sealants prevent moisture or dirt from passing into the structure, keeping the furniture clean and fresh. However, many people also opt for a protective cover to keep their wicker furniture protected from extreme weather conditions.

Can You Leave Plastic Wicker Furniture Outside in Winters?

Wicker comes in two types: natural and synthetic. While natural wicker is more suitable and designed for indoor uses, outdoor synthetic wicker can also survive outdoor weather conditions all year. However, for winter, you will need to store the wicker under a shed or a garage to prevent any damage.

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