Styling and Caring for White Wicker Outdoor Furniture

Styling and Caring for White Wicker Outdoor Furniture

Wicker furniture brings a charming look to any outdoor space, but most people skip a patio wicker set because it is tough to maintain it. Wicker outdoor furniture, one of the most expensive furniture choices in the market, requires regular upkeep and maintenance to look new and fresh. Among several types of outdoor furniture, wicker is also considered the toughest to maintain. Still, once you get a hold of it, you will love how a wicker outdoor sofa elevates the look of your patio.

If you also own white wicker outdoor furniture and have purchased it for a huge sum, you probably need to learn some upkeep and maintenance tips to keep your outdoor white wicker table as good as new. Read on and know more about them.

How to Care for Your Outdoor White Wicker Furniture?

Regular upkeep and maintenance can save you a lot of work on your outdoor white wicker chair, whether you have bamboo, rattan, or any other blend of wicker furniture. Since the natural wicker isn’t strong enough to resist extreme outdoor weather conditions, you must follow a proper maintenance routine to keep it fresh and new. Below are some tips to care for your outdoor white wicker sofa to prolong its life.

Combating Mildew

Wicker furniture has certain drawbacks, including a propensity for mildewing. Regularly brush away any mildew using a light oil-based soap and water to avoid unpleasant stains and odors. To help avoid mildewing, allow your wicker to completely dry after washing before covering it. Use a fan to hasten the drying process for wicker furniture, or place it in the sun to dry.

Coat It with Oil

Wicker can face many challenges in mold and mildew growth when entrapped with moisture. Hence, a precautionary measure to prevent wicker from developing mold or losing its glow is to coat it with oil. For white wicker outdoor dining chairs, linseed oil will prevent moisture from reaching the wicker surface. Put a gentle light coating of linseed oil over your wicker outdoor dining chair and use a clean cloth to wipe away any excess.

Check for Any Damages

A tiny broken weave or a snag in your wicker furniture can cause it to unravel and lose its durability forever. Hence, it is important to do prevention rather than cure. Occasionally inspect your wicker furniture for loose ends, damages, or snags. If there is a broken weave, seal it or press it in before it unravels further. You can also contact customer service if you have a warranty on your product and get free repair and maintenance done.

Repairing any Cracks and Splits

One common issue when a wicker outdoor sofa is exposed to sun rays is the formation of cracks and splits in the structure. This is because of the heat and moisture combination, which damaged the wicker structure at a deeper level. To protect your furniture from cracks and splits, use some wood glue in the cracks and clamp the structure until the pieces are dried together completely.

How to Care for Your Outdoor White Wicker Furniture

How to Clean White Wicker Outdoor Furniture?

Occasional repair and cleaning must be done on white wicker outdoor furniture to prevent any progressing broken weave and cracks. Thankfully, it is simple to repair wicker at home with a little regular cleaning done. Below are some steps to follow to clean the wicker surface.

Cleaning the Surface

Outdoor furniture faces a lot of dust, dirt, and debris, which slowly accumulate to become permanent. Hence, before using any chemical or sealant, gently wipe the surface. The first step in cleaning a wicker outdoor chaise lounge is surface prep. Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe over any dirt particles before proceeding to the next step.

Replacing Broken Weaves

Fraying or loose weaving is one of the most frequent problems while fixing white wicker outdoor furniture. Fortunately, this may be a very simple remedy that doesn’t need a lot of specialized equipment or supplies. Carefully remove the broken piece and replace the similar length to seal the structure. Make sure there are no loose ends.

Repainting Wicker Furniture

Wicker is prone to sun damage and can lose color with constant exposure. Fortunately, it is easy to repaint wicker furniture, even at home. Start with a premium primer next for optimal adherence, then finish with a coat of paint in the color of your choice. To enhance the texture and beauty of your wicker furniture and give it a more natural appearance, apply any wood treatments.

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Designs and Colors That Work Well with White Wicker

A wicker and white patio is a treat, and many people prefer it to make their patio sophisticated and timeless. Fortunately, when it comes to a white wicker outdoor chair, there are plenty of color and print options.

While the white wicker looks fabulous, it is also one of the easiest wicker shades to paint. You can add a beachy vibe to your patio by painting it naturally light blue. White wicker can be painted to beige or navy blue for a more neutral look. Another fun choice for wicker furniture is pink, which gives a tropical theme effortlessly. Moreover, a white wicker design makes pastel hues and colors much easier to achieve. Also, bright green wicker furniture blends in beautifully with a Zen garden with a fountain for a more greenery-centered backyard design.

Designs and Colors That Work Well with White Wicker

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Wicker Furniture Be Left Outside?

While purely natural wicker is perfect for indoors, some blends of synthetic wicker are perfect for outdoor weather conditions, too. However, leaving your wicker furniture open outdoors all year is not wise. Because of its gentle weave and lightweight design, wicker is highly prone to damage from sun, rain, and heavy breezes.

Is Wicker Furniture Good for Outdoors?

Yes, wicker is a material deemed suitable for outdoors, but when it comes to leaving it on the patio, there are two types of wicker to know about. Being gentle and lightly woven, natural wicker isn’t suitable to withstand heavy sun and winds. In contrast, synthetic wicker from wicker blends with synthetic elements can withstand outdoor weather.

Is White Wicker Furniture Outdated?

Some people might prefer black or brightly colored wicker hues over white wicker furniture, but the truth is, white has a touch of elegance to it. Many people prefer white wicker furniture to enjoy a minimalistic look on their patio.

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