Things You Need to Know About Teak Wood Furniture

Things You Need to Know About Teak Wood Furniture

Teak wood is a popular pick with furniture makers all around the world. Especially when we talk about teak wood outdoor furniture, the combination of teak and patio furniture makes an impressive selection.

The naturally golden, hardwood, close-grained structure of teak wood makes it suitable for outdoor weather conditions. When we talk about aesthetics, there is no companion to teak wood furniture. The reason behind teak wood patio furniture’s durability and longevity is that this wood is high in natural oils, which keeps the furniture lubricated and able to withstand external weather conditions. This fact also makes teak wood easy to maintain. If you are also going back and forth with whether or not to purchase teak wood furniture for your patio, below are some commonly asked questions about teak wood and its benefits as outdoor furniture.

What is Teak Wood?

Teak wood directly comes from the Tectona Grandis tree, a plant species richly found in southern and southeastern Asia. This type of tree is mainly found in the dense forests of Thailand, India, Burma, and Loas. Teak wood is also called the ‘king of the woods’ because of its natural golden color, densely unique texture, and long lifespan.

Over the years, teak wood has been used for luxury home furniture manufacturing; hence the price of teakwood furniture is understandably high. With further study and research, teakwood is also a great choice for lavish outdoor dining sets, outdoor chairs, and outdoor tables, especially suitable for the Californian weather and other rain-prone regions. It’s a fantastic material for everything from boats to furniture because of its strength, water resistance, and gorgeous color.

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Why Use Teak Wood for Outdoor Furniture?

Considering the heavy price you must pay for teak wood furniture, it is common to wonder why it is preferred over other outdoor furniture materials. Well, the answer can be explained with the help of numerous unique qualities of teak wood furniture and its suitability for outdoors. Below are some reasons why teak wood is the best choice for an outdoor bench despite being one of the most expensive options in the market.

Weather Resistant

Weather resistance would come at the top if we were to name the most desired qualities in a piece of outdoor furniture. Natural wood has the best weather resistance and is suited for rainy regions. This forest-borne wood produces its natural oil, which makes it a perfect water repellant; hence you don’t need to run to move your teak outdoor conversation set under the shed each time it starts to pour.


Its strength is the second reason for teak being a doubtless outdoor furniture choice. Competitive strength makes teak a great wood for outdoor furniture, but it may also be used indoors for a lifetime and beyond. Due to its durability, teak is unlikely to develop rot or other diseases that can affect other types of wood. Teaks can tolerate extremes of heat and cold without breaking or cracking.

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Home furniture, whether indoors or outdoors, must look good to create an appealing setup. Teak is a unique natural wood with color and grain that makes attractive furniture pieces for home use. Also, the natural oil produced by teak keeps its surface shiny and preserves its natural golden color, which is why it always looks as good as new.

Pest Resistant

When we think about wooden outdoor furniture, it is common to worry about termite attacks coming your way. Another quality of teak furniture, due to the natural oil it produces, is that it is also pest resistant. This natural oil is an insect repellent to keep termites and bits away from expensive furniture.


Outdoor furniture is tough to maintain; the open air, daily dirt, and wind blowing create a lot of mess; if you need to clean up your outdoor furniture several times a day, it becomes trouble. Fortunately, teak wood outdoor furniture does not require painting or varnishing. Due to the wood’s high oil content, teak will age well, developing a consistent color of golden rather than appearing spotty or dark.


How to clean teak wood?

The ideal way to clean teak wood is to scrub it with mild soap and water. If your teak is stained, you can also add mild bleach. Secondly, use mild water pressure to remove any soap or bleach from the surface of the teak.

Where does teak wood come from?

The teak wood is a natural wood obtained from a tree named Tectona Grandis. These trees are tall, dense, and found in the southeast forest regions. Teak trees are up to 50 meters tall and have a life of over 100 years.

Can you stain teak wood?

Teak stain is popularly used to enhance teak wood’s natural texture and color. It is a great way to enhance the furniture’s beauty without hiding the teak’s natural texture.

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Can you paint teak wood?

Yes, teak wood can be painted, but it is rarely recommended as, with time, water can pass through the paint coating and cause breaking or peeling of the entire painted surface.

Can teak wood get wet?

Teak is water resistant, although it gets wet a little past the surface rather than soaking up the water to the core. Also, teak naturally dries up with the passage of a few days to return to its original color and texture.

How to refinish teak wood?

First, to refinish or restore teak wood, clean it with mild soap and water. Remove any soap mixture with the help of a clean cloth or hose away the furniture for deep cleaning. Seal the final look with a teak oil coating.

Is teak wood waterproof?

Weatherproof and waterproof, teak is also known for these qualities. Although you cannot call a teak completely water resistant, the naturally high content of oils repels the water from fully soaking the teak’s surface. This also means that teak doesn’t capture moisture and hence is resistant to mold or fungus.

However, when teak wood dries out after the rain, you may observe some water patches which take a while to fade away. However, a bit of sanding can remove marks quickly.

What color is teak wood?

When in its prime age, teak wood has a natural golden or honey color that looks regal and shiny. But as the teak ages, the color slowly shifts towards a silver-gray tone. This doesn’t make the teak look old but gives it an entirely different shade as if you have painted over the wood.

Does teak wood rot?

Teak has a naturally high oil and rubber content, making it highly rot-resistant. This also makes teak suitable as outdoor furniture all year round, even when it is snowing or raining. Also, the teak is durable for around 20 years if kept properly with occasional maintenance.

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