20 Most Fun Family Outdoor Activities at Home

20 Most Fun Family Outdoor Activities at Home

Kids being stuck inside the four walls of home throughout the summer vacation is an idea nobody likes to be on board with. With summer vacations coming up, parents of hyperactive kids are worried about thinking of ways to keep their kids engaged in a healthy, positive way. From finding extra summer courses to searching on youtube about several extra-curricular activities, every parent wants to make the best of these 6-8 weeks’ vacation time. But most of us forget that there is nothing better for our kids mentally and physically than fun family outdoor activities.

Fun outdoor activities aren’t just about having fun, hence the mess outdoors, but outdoor playtime has several benefits. A study found that kids who play close to nature, fresh air, and greenery are less likely to exhibit symptoms of anxiety and mood problems as they grow up. And with fun family outdoor activities, you also get the benefit of quality family time which is nowadays impossible considering the fast-paced routines.

If you are also up for family fun at home, then we have gathered a good list of the best family fun activities at home. So let’s check them out!

Backyard Fort

A backyard fort isn’t just appealing to kids; adults will love this idea too. Since it involves moving around your outdoor home furniture to create a fort-like structure, we bet you will enjoy bringing many variations to it. For this, you need a few outdoor chairs, sofas, or even just an outdoor conversation set  that can be adjusted to create a fort where you can all chill and maybe tell stories inside.

Outdoor BBQ

Don’t forget that cooking is a major family bonding time when looking for ideas to enjoy long holidays. One of the best summer backyard activities is to have fun family reunion activities in the backyard. And what’s better than having some hot grilled food with the people you love? Invite over the siblings and cousins you haven’t seen in a while. You can have a wonderful family time in the backyard with a nice outdoor table setting and some chairs.

The right BBQ grill


Get a star chart online to get this entertaining family activity underway. Then go outdoors to observe how the night sky changes daily, picking a position in your yard that offers a clear sky view. Also, having fresh air before putting your child to bed could help them sleep!

Tie Dye Party

Kids love to play with colors, and a backyard tie-dye party won’t keep you worrying about the mess, either. Get some buckets and a few dyes, mix them up, take plain t-shirts, and ask your kids to showcase their talent.


Nothing is more fun and fruitful than gardening in your free time. It is relaxing, teaches the value of plants to your kids, and you get a green backyard in return. Isn’t it great?

Garden watering cans

Backyard Obstacle

Foam, boards, and even the sticks and stones you find outside can create an obstacle course. In either case, the outcome is a fun activity that develops important gross motor abilities.


Who says to have a picnic you must go to the beach or a park only? You can have a picnic right in the backyard. Set a picnic basket, bake some goodies, and have a nice time with your family under the sun.

Pool Party

It’s summer, for fun’s sake! Whether or not you have a pool, a pool party is a foolproof way to enjoy some family time. You can easily get an inflatable pool if your backyard doesn’t have one.

Zip Line

Though not the easiest but something your kids will love, for a narrow style, long backyard design, a zip line is a fun kids’ activity that subconsciously teaches them balance.

Skipping Rope

Although this aerobic activity does not need a large outdoor area, it will prevent your child from bouncing off the walls once they are back inside.

Rock Painting

It’s time to add a new texture and pop of color to your backyard. Right where your plants are, pick up some rocks and paint them in nice popping colors, line them neatly to create a boundary, and let your kids admire themselves for their nice paint job.

Bug Hunt

Make your next outdoor adventure centered around your child’s fascination with creepy crawlies by going on a bug hunt.

Outdoor Movie Night

This one is a wonderful idea for a romantic activity, but with the right movie, don’t you think it could be one of those family fun day activities too? Set up a projector and a nice cozy place to lie down. Keep some snacks and drinks nearby, so you don’t have to get up in the middle of the movie.

SOL outdoor sofa

Outdoor Sport

Outdoor sports are an enchanting way to release that pent-up energy in your hyperactive kids. There are several types of outdoor sports you can try for fun. For instance, volleyball, badminton, basketball, and throwing the ball are easy and fun family sports. Make teams and place bets to take the fun to the next level.

Tree Climbing

Every person has that monkey phase in their life where all they can think about is tree climbing. If your backyard has trees (make sure they are sturdy), encourage your kids to climb them when the sun isn’t too bright.


Teenagers, especially boys, will love this. Involve them in a weekly car wash during the summer break, and as a result, you get happy kids and a clean car.

Candle Light Dinner

Who says candlelight dinners are only for couples? You could have a nice story time with a warm meal and scented candles. Add a touch of string fairy lights for an added cozy vibe too. It is a great way to save electricity and relax for dinner.

Bike Ride

Always classic and extremely healthy too. For a spacious backyard, a bike ride is a fun family activity. If you don’t have a spacious backyard, you can also take the family biking gang to the streets.

Fly Kites

Although not for beginners, kite flying is a fun family activity with a harmless competition. Make teams, have a kite race, and ensure no kid is flying a kite unsupervised.

Water Balloon Fight

13 or 31, we all love some water balloon fights. For added fun, divide yourself into teams. Use tables or other options to form barriers and attack the other side. The side to hit the most targets is simply the winner.

Try these ideas out and enjoy your summers like never before!

SOL launching

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