15 Small Patio Garden Ideas for Dream Outdoor Space

Create Dream Outdoor Space with These 15 Small Patio Garden Ideas

Let’s face it, while most of us would like to have our own private outdoor space, with most modern houses having small patios at best, having anything fun outdoors can be a challenge, to say the least. That being said, with the right inspiration and creativity, even a small patio or balcony can be transformed into a dreamy garden paradise. In this article, we will show you 15 such small patio garden ideas to do just that.

1. Plant Spillers

One of the simplest small patio garden ideas to add a little bit of greenery when short on horizontal space is to simply shift over to vertical space. And one of the easiest of such cute small patio ideas is using plant spillers. These can be made using simple planters that you arrange along a retaining wall or dedicated spillers that you can get shockingly cheap. Simply add to those nice and vine-y perennials, and you will have the perfect patio outdoor decor in no time.

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2. Window Boxes

One of the more old-school small patio garden ideas on our list, the addition of a small rectangular potter to the sills of windows, has been observed for hundreds of years worldwide. And while that is usually done to bring some greenery to the outside, as long as you have a window-facing patio, you can add greenery to your outdoor space with little to no effort. Extra points if the window opens into a kitchen because then you can add herbs to the box and have it do double duty.

3. Palms Mimicking a Fountain

Now, as much as we would all like to have a fountain in all our backyards, having something like that in such a small space is not only extremely difficult, it is actually impossible. This is why many designers have taken to alternates that give the same feel but don’t need as much care. And the best one of these ideas? Palms.

That’s right, a simple small palm planter can mimic a fountain shockingly well and will fit right next to your patio dining furniture set.

4. Raised Beds

Another issue people need help with when trying to create a garden space in their patios is the lack of sunlight which makes growing most plants next to impossible. But the solution to that problem is quite simple. All you need is an elevated surface, which can be anything from a nice outdoor table to a dedicated bed for growing and caring for plants. And with that, not only will you have an easier time gardening, but the plants will also have an easier time growing!

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5. Canopy Space

Most of us think of canopies and pergolas as something only super fancy people can have in their homes, but with a few simple adjustments, these things can uplift your outdoor space no matter how small. Add some climbers to the frame and get some nice outdoor furniture for the small patio to boot, and you have a perfect outdoor space.

6. Vertical Garden

One of the most popular small patio yard ideas these days is using walls and stairs as the base for your gardening instead of regular gardening beds. And sure, it sounds simple and messy at first, but adding the right mounts and choosing the right plants can turn any wall into the perfect garden for your exterior.

7. Mixed & Matched Containers

One thing math and geometry nerds will be familiar with is the concept of tiling. Basically, if you choose the same shape to try and cover a surface, you are going to end up with a lot of unused space. Instead, a much better way to use limited space is by using shapes of different sizes that all fit into each other.

The point is, if you want to make the best use of your outdoor space, try to mix and match different heights, sizes, and shapes of containers. This will not only bring in a lot of variety, but it will also help you have a healthier garden.

8. Succulents

Let’s face it; nowadays, every other person seems to be going through a succulent phase. And while the name does sound funny, all of that hype is not for no reason. You see, not only do they take up very little space, the best part about succulents is the little to no maintenance you have to do to keep them healthy. This is why they can even survive in small, cramped spaces with low sunlight, making them one of the best patio garden ideas for small spaces.

9. Edible Garden

On the opposite end of the spectrum from succulents are the edible gardens. And yes, they do sound like a lot of work, but the thing is, as long as we are not growing full-sized plants for food, growing herbs and small vegetables is not only easy, it is actually perfect for small gardens, particularly those next to kitchens as they get pruned automatically when you use them.

10.     Terrarium

If you have yet to hear of them, terrariums are basically the land-based version of aquariums. This means that they are enclosed glass containers that have soil, rocks, and small plants, as well as many insect species all living inside of them. And many of them can even be set up to be self-sustaining; how cool is that?

11.     Rock Garden

On the other side of the spectrum, if you want something that needs absolutely no interaction once set up, you can forego plants entirely and just use rocks! That’s right, those fancy arrangements you sometimes see at restaurants or in parks are actually pretty easy to set up in your own spaces and look extra cool when combined with the next idea on our list.

12.     Water Features

Straightforward, simple, and incredibly relaxing, you simply can’t go wrong with a nice water feature, and they are always getting easier to install. Add a nice patio dining table with a patio dining chair set to the side, and you’ve got yourself the perfect addition to any outdoor area.

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13.     Hanging Garden

This is also a popular implementation of the vertical garden concept and might be the simplest one to set up since all you need are regular planters and a DIY string hanging rig to set those up next to a wall, a window, or even from a canopy. Making them the perfect DIY small garden idea.

14.     Bonsai

Who would’ve thought that small versions of plants could actually be the perfect thing for extra small gardens? But all joking aside, while taking care of bonsai is a bit of a task if you have the time, this hobby doesn’t only look good; it is also incredibly rewarding.

15.     Zen Garden

And last but certainly not least, we have the concept of a Zen Garden. And yes, they might sound complicated, but many of the components of such gardens actually make them perfect for interior spaces, and they look incredible; what more could you want?

Bottom Line

And that covers our list of small patio garden ideas. We hope you found the list helpful, and if you did, remember to share this with your friends. With that, stay curious, guys, and thanks for reading.

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