How to Choose the Most Productive Work-from-Home Space

How to Choose the Most Productive Work-from-Home Space

What creates a perfect work-from-home (WFH) space? This question often lingers in the minds of remote workers who are trying to achieve a professional work-from-home office space. The truth is a productive work-from-home space is as comfortable and as calming as possible. Now when we talk about comfort and calmness in a work-from-home space, multiple tiny factors collectively form a productive home office space. And the good news is we have gathered all the best work-from-home space ideas to transform any space, big or small, into a productive work-from-home station.

The Right Spot

The secret to feeling productive in a home office is selecting the perfect spot. Your WFH spot should be where you feel your most productive self. The exciting thing about this is that it varies from person to person. But as a general rule, your small space work-from-home setup should be away from distractions such as television and family chatter. It should have plenty of light and be free from any loud noises from the street.

Proper Lighting

Proper lighting is the key factor to productivity for office workers. To minimize eye strain, choose a spot that offers sufficient light; best if you can find a place with natural light. Besides lighting up your space, natural light greatly benefits in keeping your mind alert and active. Place your home furniture near a large window, or if you are a fan of nature, an outdoor sofa with an outdoor table also makes a great work-from-home setup for the warmer months.

Proper Lighting

Make it Ergonomic

You may not have a large room, but you can make a small work-from-home space fully ergonomic with the right furniture. An office chair with the right level of support, an office desk with plenty of storage so your workstation isn’t cluttered, and a seat that keeps your back straight are some must-haves of an ergonomic workstation. And if you are tight on space for a chair and a desk, a standing desk is a great all-in-one workstation. While being compact and space-friendly, it also encourages a proper posture.

Add a Fun Element

Remote work doesn’t require you to dress up and commute to an office, but it can often get boring when you work within the four walls, chatting with colleagues on zoom calls rather than meeting in person. Hence it is important to keep it fun and interesting so you don’t feel burnt out. A great way to make remote work exciting is to have work meetings in the backyard where you can call your employees to sit casually and discuss work duties. An outdoor conversation set or an outdoor dining set is a clever furniture option to make these meetings more casual and comfortable. You can have a nice dinner and a few drinks, discuss work details, and strike up some humorous conversations about the workplace.

SOL outdoor sofa

Choose a Scent

The importance of scent in an office isn’t given much attention. But, according to various studies, scents are an integral part of human interaction as they can give rise to happy and calm emotions. For instance, if the scent of coffee calms you, you can start your workday with a hot, brewed cup of coffee on the desk.

For people who love fresh lime and its scent can have lime water or a similar artificial scent nearby. To make your experience more natural, nothing is better than working in a backyard surrounded by plants and flowers. You can easily set up an outdoor bench surrounded by lavender and other relaxing plants to give you a calming sensation as you work.

Choose a Scent in work from home space

Make Smaller To-Do Lists

Spend ten minutes making a thorough checklist before starting the day’s tasks. Then, spend an additional five minutes creating an even shorter list of things that you are positive will be completed within the next couple of hours.

This technique divides your day into manageable chores and aids in planning and remembering each duty. Also, seeing your completed tasks on a list or crossed out will increase your productivity.

Keep your Space Organized

An organized space helps keep stress levels at a minimum; hence you find more time to indulge in creative thoughts. Keeping the workstation organized is one of the easiest ways to promote calmness and minimize chaos. Organized space also helps tackle tough work challenges with a more optimistic approach.

Add Some Green

You may still enjoy some outdoor space indoors even if you don’t have a large backyard where you could work close to the plants. When your eyes need a vacation from the screen, a desk or floor plant is a terrific way to add fresh air, diversity, and color to your workstation.

Add Some Green

Take Breaks

Productivity isn’t working round the clock until you fall tired and sick. But productivity is all about giving your best in the minimum time possible. And this is only possible when you keep your body fueled properly. We aren’t talking about coffee but frequent breaks to restore mental and physical energy.

Instead of constantly retorting to social media whenever you have a moment to spare, try taking useful pauses. Walk around your neighborhood, talk with a coworker, or read inspirational articles. If you plan your brakes properly, you’ll return to work soon and feel a little more refreshed in your head.

Keep Your Gadgets Aside

Being productive isn’t just about what you do but also what you avoid. While smartphones, tablets, and other technology can keep you focused and productive, they can also be a major time-waster and source of distraction. Finding a place for devices and leaving them until the work is over or it’s time for your next break is the greatest way to prevent this squandered time. Although this could seem like a tough work environment, you will discover that you are less distracted and more concentrated when not being distracted by notifications on your screen.

Keep Your Gadgets Aside

Don’t Forget to Personalize

Making your workspace more personable will make it more enjoyable. Include a houseplant and a picture frame with a good memory in it. Add art or a motivating statement to the wall to increase the color of your workspace.

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