11 Best Outdoor Cooking Space Ideas to Set Up

11 Best Outdoor Cooking Space Ideas to Set Up

Soaking in the warm sunlight, the gentle breeze, cold drinks, and warm food, this is what perfect summer looks like to most of us.

But rather than enjoying the outdoors, most of us are confined inside the four walls of our homes and watch the sky changing pretty colors throughout the day. This is mainly because only some have a proper backyard setup. And if you plan to have an outdoor cooking space with the right seating options for a while but have been stopping due to budget constraints- then we have all the best in-budget outdoor cooking area ideas for you.

Yes, with our outdoor kitchen designs and patio outdoor décor, you can host memorable summer parties and have a wonderful time with your loved ones.

1.   Tiny Grill Station

Building a full flash outdoor kitchen or an elaborate outdoor cooking setup will cost a lot of money, but do you need to go that big? Our bet is to start with a small yet complete grill station. You should purchase a grill island with a lovely built-in grill to kick-start those fiery steaks and hamburgers for the perfect summer party.

Below the grill, you will have a built-in utensil storage option. This comes as a combo of drawers and cabinets. Store in your pans, spoons, bottles, glasses, and all that is needed on a kitchen station. This will keep your kitchen station clutter free and is suitable for small backyards sparing some space for an outdoor dining set where the guests can sit and eat.

Tiny Grill Station

2.   Compact Dining Station

If you are adamant about having a large outdoor cooking area with all open storage as you need to showcase the nice crockery, but you still need more space, here is an idea. Rather than downsizing your cooking setup, go smart with the dining setup. Instead of a full dining table, opt for an outdoor bench, an outdoor table, or other seating options like an outdoor chaise lounge and recliners. This will help you save a lot of space and add multiple versatile seating options in the backyard.

Compact Dining Station

3.   L-shaped Outdoor Kitchen

The benefit of an L-shaped station is two folds. Firstly, the L-shape outdoor cooking setup offers more space, so there is your dream of having a large cooking station. Secondly, it resides peacefully in the corner without occupying too much room. And in the middle of the room and adjacent to the L-shaped cooking counter, you can set up a seating area or an entire outdoor conversation set. This keeps the cooking flames and smoke away from the guests while keeping you close enough to participate in all the gossip and be a part of a team while cooking.

4.   Vertical Kitchen

A vertical kitchen looks spacious as it is heightened, but a vertical kitchen is also a space-saving hack for people with tiny backyard spaces. Instead of going side by side with cabinets, choose an over-the-top style. Pick multi-colored cabinet shades or a single color for all the cupboards if you enjoy simplicity in your outdoor cooking.

Vertical Kitchen

5.   Woodfired Pizza Oven

If there is one thing that the majority of the families agree upon, it is pizza night. And having a pizza night in the backyard is even better. In addition to pizzas, baking your savory pies in the backyard on Friday nights throughout the summer will make your gatherings even more special. A woodfired pizza oven isn’t only best for pizzas, but you can bake turkey and cakes for hungry guests. Other than cooking food slowly and to perfection, woodfired ovens also look extremely aesthetic in a modern backyard setup.

6.   Outdoor Kitchen with Tin Roof

Ever notice how rain sounds when it hits a tin roof? The corrugated tin roof idea for an outdoor kitchen uses a serene atmosphere to create a relaxed place with visual intrigue and a lovely sound during rainy weather. Combined with wooden details, such as countertops and a string of outside lights to light up the kitchen, you can keep things simple and inexpensive. But there are better options than choosing a tin roof if you reside in an area with a lot of sunshine.

7.   Rustic Wood Kitchen Setup

A backyard should feel natural at most, seamlessly blending in with nature. Hence the rustic wood kitchen setup is a perfect pick for regions where summers are hotter. The wood vibes will keep your backyard cool aesthetically as well as physically. Opt for natural wood shelving and cabinets such as teak or bamboo. This simple pick for outdoor cooking will eliminate the need for other paint, as the natural wood texture is beautiful.

Rustic Wood Kitchen Setup for outdoor cooking

8.   Up on the Roof

Sure, we are talking about the backyard kitchen setup, but isn’t a roof the best access to the natural light and fresh breeze? A roof kitchen is perfect for elaborate gatherings for outdoor cooking, big family dinners, and lavish parties, all on a budget. Set up a stainless steel or wooden cooking area to match the open-air cooking vibe. Build suitable seating options with a large dining table or multiple types of seats for a completely away-from-indoors party.

9.   Kitchen in the Corridor

Even though some individuals like to have their outdoor kitchen designs as open-concept as their indoor kitchens, some still prefer to keep their kitchens hidden and their meal preparation mess away from guests. A kitchen designed like a hallway is the best option for these requirements. Choose a spot behind a tall wall to conceal clutter from the opposite side. Add some string lights to bring a little, but only a little, attention to the cooking area.

10. Industrial Style Kitchen

Industrial-style kitchens are common for chefs and big restaurants, but aren’t you a cooking expert yourself? This smartly planned kitchen setup showcases your cooking skills and knowledge before placing the food on the table. To distinguish the kitchen and lounge spaces and tone down the kitchen’s industrial vibes, use industrial stainless-steel appliances, add matte black or wooden fencing, and plenty of surrounding greenery.

Industrial Style Kitchen

11. Indoor-Outdoor Kitchen Setup

People adore indoor areas with doors leading to the outdoors, opening up the spacious sky and fresh air. An open bar kitchen setup allows you to give guests access to the kitchen during gatherings. With windows in the traditional French design, a long counter can be opened towards the outside. Add Wooden shingles to delineate the area, giving it a cozy, domestic feel.

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