Cooking Al Fresco: Designing Your Dream Custom Outdoor Kitchen

Cooking Al Fresco: Designing Your Dream Custom Outdoor Kitchen

Creating your custom outdoor kitchen isn’t as easy as it seems, but don’t worry!! We have got you covered with a complete guide on how you can set up your kitchen with the right appliances to buy. If you haven’t built an outdoor patio or kitchen before, make sure you hire a professional contractor, designer, or some designing tool to help you get perfect measurements. However, you can still do it yourself by following the steps mentioned below. Let’s learn how to build your own outdoor kitchen with us!

Steps to build your custom outdoor kitchen

1. Check your available space

The first step is to check the total space available in your backyard. The more space you have, the bigger and more equipment you will be able to adjust. During the measurement of your available space, make sure you use the right measurement tool to get accurate sizes. Here, you will measure the outdoor space in both width and height.

2. Prepare a layout

The second step is to make a layout using a layout designer or software. Here, you will be deciding whether you want an L-shaped, U-shaped, or a liner kitchen. The ones choosing an L-shaped will have to decide if they want to keep their grill on the right or left. Your layout will also define where all your cabinets, sink, and other appliances will be placed.

Steps to build your custom outdoor kitchen

3. Select your grill size

Once you have measured the size of the space available and prepared a layout of your custom outdoor kitchen ideas, it is time to pick the right-sized grill. Your layout will tell you the size you will have to adjust your grill, so make sure you stick to that size to avoid any inconvenience.

4. Select your cabinet size

A cabinet is the next important thing you will need to build in your custom outdoor kitchen design. Again, your layout will tell you the size available for cabinets, but you will still need to decide how many cabinets you would like to have in that allotted space.

5. Review everything

The last step is to review the overall layout and match it with the size of the cabinets, grills, patio dining furniture set and other accessories that you have bought. Reviewing would let you know if there are any loopholes in the kitchen planning. If everything matches with the layout, move towards the installation process.

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Essential outdoor kitchen appliances to buy

Following are some of the essential outdoor kitchen accessories you will need for your outdoor kitchen. Make sure you include as many of them as you can in your outdoor kitchen layout.


A grill is something that you will find at every kitchen appliances store. Make sure to buy a grill that is premium quality and durable enough to last for life. If you choose to install a smart grill for backyard BBQ setup, make sure to learn how to use their app to properly cook food at the right temperatures. For instance, Lynx smart series grill allows you to control your grill through the MyChef app.


Outdoor fridge

The outdoor kitchen fridge is the second item you will need to get for outdoor cooking. Here, make sure you get an outdoor fridge that has weatherproof materials to last longer in outdoor conditions. People with limited space can also go for small-sized outdoor fridges with thick insulation. An outdoor fridge would keep all your vegetables and meat fresh and drinks cold.

Side burners

Side burners add to the grill by providing you with some extra cooking space. They help you make side dishes while your main is on the primary grill. Most grills in the market come with at least two side burners, but adding more by buying separate gas burners will make completing side tasks much easier.

Outdoor oven

For baking and roasting, an oven is an ideal choice to go for your custom outdoor kitchen concepts. You can prepare delicious pizza, cake, bread, meat, and seafood using your oven installed in the kitchen. An outdoor kitchen runs on electricity, natural gas, or propane. Some ovens also run on wood fires, giving your food a smoky flavor.

Outdoor oven

Ice making machine

An ice-making machine is a must-buy for people living in warm weather conditions. For people who love to party in their backyard would definitely want an ice-making machine to keep their drinks cold with fresh ice ready to be used.

Drink station

A drink station is where you will keep all your drinks for partying. Here, you will be preparing and serving all the drinks to your guests. This station would keep everything organized in one place, and you won’t need to search for every single drink in the main refrigerator.

Drink station


Having a dishwasher would free you from taking all the dishes back to your main kitchen inside of the house for washing. All your dirty bowls, pots, and grilling tools will be washed and left for drying outside without any hassle with a separate dishwasher for the outdoor kitchen and outdoor dining room.

Warming drawers

Warming drawers are for people who need to prepare a lot of food at a time. These drawers allow you to keep the food warm until served, keeping your guest satisfied with the overall food quality.


A smoker adds extra smoky flavor to your dish that everyone loves. A smoky flavor is most loved in dishes like steak and ribs. Moreover, they are ideal for cooking meat as you can cook at lower temperatures for longer times, allowing the meat to get tender and juicy without getting burnt.

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