Boost Your Productivity: 8 Backyard Office Space Ideas for Remote Work

Ever since Covid hit the world, everything has changed. From people discovering more and more ways to earn money online to the economy being at its lowest, professional lives have been closer to personal lives than they have ever been. But how can we improve our work quality, focus, and productivity, if we’re not at the office and instead are in the comfort of backyard office space?

The answer is backyard office space. By upgrading our workspace and creating a healthy distance between our personal and professional life, every aspect of our life can be improved. For that, let’s take a look at a few ideas.

1. Convert Your Shed into a Workspace

Who said you have to own a separate chunk of land somewhere to have a backyard office space? That way, you can always be close to home and have your personal space simultaneously. But what might you need to turn your shed into a workspace?

For starters, you have to insulate the shed so it’s easy to work in both summers and winters. After that, you have to carefully observe and decide what important furniture or objects are needed that are more necessary for your productivity than comfort.

For example, one of the first logical and necessary additions should be an outdoor table, and after that, you may go ahead and add an outdoor sofa to the list of necessities as well. A chair might make you sit with more alertness, but it might cause many more back problems.

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2. Build A Tiny House

If you happen to have some savings and are willing to splurge, then that gives you a lot more flexibility, whether it comes to space or finances. And hence you also have the option to build yourself a tiny house that will be solely for the purpose of working. But what additions can you make so that it’s a perfect place for you to concentrate and be productive?

One of the first things has to be noise canceling or deadening walls. What’s the point of owning a house where you can be productive if you’re gonna feel like you’re in the middle of a restaurant or a TV show because of all the noise? After that, the next step is to insulate the walls so that the place is comfortable to work in at all temperatures. You can also add a tiny fridge, a washroom, and other important things, along with some good quality home furniture and even an outdoor bar set.

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3. Use A Shipping Container

If you don’t have the budget for a separate home but still want a similar type of comfort, then a shipping container might be just the thing for you. Just make sure to add windows for proper ventilation along with insulation to make sure you don’t feel suffocated, too hot, or too cold in there.

There is also an option of stacking one shipping container on top of another to increase space and add other facilities like separate spaces for different purposes. Some research might be just what you need for backyard office interior ideas and their perfect execution. In fact, since you might have relatively more space, you can even get an outdoor dining set!

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4. Create a Pergola Office

Another very safe, creative, and modern option for a backyard office space is to go for a pergola office. For those who don’t know, a pergola office is a freestanding architectural workspace that also functions as an office space divider. Not only is the ventilation great, but you can also go for a very futuristic aesthetic.

There are so many backyard office designs when it comes to investing in a pergola office. This might be ideal for those people who prefer to stay a little closer to nature and work better when they’re outdoors. It can also double as a relaxation area where you can enjoy the rain or just chat with your loved ones whenever it is not occupied for work as an outdoor backyard office.

5. Have an Open Home-Office

While having an office that is open to the air might sound like a bad idea at first, with the choice of the right furniture and enough care on your part, you can enjoy the comfort and calm of the outdoors while working. This is possible thanks to modern outdoor furniture that brings many of the features you are accustomed to inside your home to the outside.

You can even turn it into a temporary space you can move in and out of depending on the weather outside, and with the addition of some nice lighting and shade, you can use the office during any part of your day!

6. Use a She Shed

Another term that might seem new to a lot of people after the concept of pergola offices, a shed is a very easily customizable personal space where you can arrange everything according to your liking and see what works out the best for you and your productivity.

One of the best things about a shed is its cozy and comfortable vibe which makes it a lot easier to work with a relaxed mind. And we all know that there’s a giant difference between the work quality of a relaxed mind and an anxious one. And to spice it up a little, you can always add some outdoor patio decor as well!

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7. Use a Tent

For those who don’t want to spend a lot or put in a lot of effort, a tent might be the perfect option for you to have a nice outdoor workspace. Absolutely easy to adjust and move around, these tents can be even removed whenever you need the backyard space for something else.

But what about the changing harsh weather? Well, a room cooler for summer and a heater for winter is all you need to make yourself nice and comfortable no matter how the weather is outside. The only slight problem might be the rainy weather, but even that can be dealt with by making the right choice for the tent material.

8. Combine Interior & Exterior Spaces

This is by far the most complicated idea you can apply, but let us tell you that if you apply it right, you will be living the dream. Things like implementing a screen wall that stretches across the length of a room and opens outside, a large overhang that covers part of a patio but still allows light and air to come in, or even simple floor-to-ceiling windows when implemented correctly can bring a lot of the outdoors to your interiors. And since you are not technically confined to either space, you can basically have your cake and eat it too!

Bottom Line

All in all, COVID has changed the world in more ways than we can consider. And if something good, like the option to work from home, came out of it, we shouldn’t hesitate to make the best out of it. These backyard office spaces might help your work quality, productivity, focus, and mental strength a lot more than you expect them to. We hope you found the guide helpful, and if you did, remember to share this with your friends. With that, stay curious, guys, and thanks for reading.

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